Sunday, 13 September 2015

Phase 2: The Pavillion

Variation 1: Terminal Line

There is a line created through the shape that anchors down the elevation, this line is represented through the supports going up to the anchor points and the resulting curvature. The line is breaking the geometries capacity to slope up in a parabolic curve instead bringing it down.


GH Script:
MSC_5075550 V1 Terminal Line

Variation 2: Emergence


Each "pavilion" represents the data set of religions within Woolloomooloo, the size and number of anchor points increase depending on the specific data. Out of a total of 6 different sets of data (Christianity, Hinduism, Chinese and Japanese religions, Islam, Buddhism and no religion) of which can be switched on and off in any order so that you can select which data sets to represent. The starting geometry can also be changed between a circle and a polygon, and the starting position of each pavilion is a random seed that can also be changed. The  way they are not fully closed gives the feeling of a closed space but at the same time its open and outdoors.


GH Script:
MSC_5075550 V2 Emergence

Variation 3: Mobility


This script is trying to immigrate swarm behavior with changes being, how close each agent is to another, how many agents to cluster, to follow the same direction as neighboring agents. They move according to their surrounding agents, influencing each other creating a lot of possible combinations of positions.



GH Script:
MSC_5075550 V3 Mobility

Unreal Environment:

Variation 1:

Variation 2:

Variation 3:

IDDA Certificates:

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